




If you want to fresh, youthful and natural look to your eyes, blepharoplasty is the right solution for you. This procedure removes the fatigue look and“sadness” around the eyes.

Blepharoplasty or eyelid correction is an aesthetic surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids.


Who are the candidates for blepharoplasty?

Candidates for blepharoplasty are all persons who have lost elasticity and consistency on their eyelid skin. Most often these are elderly people because the skin on the eyelids is thinner and the first signs of aging appear on them.

Blepharoplasty is not only an aesthetic problem but also a functional one. Eyelids can be so lowered in some situations that they cannot be lifted normally and interfere with vision.

Candidates for eyelid correction / blepharoplasty are not only those who are struggling with age, but also people in their 20s and 30s who also experience excess skin on the eyelids or in the case of hereditary inclination to develop changes of the eyelids.

blefaroplastika knezovic

Blepharoplasty – eyelid surgery – course of surgery

Before the surgery

A thorough examination should be performed preoperatively to exclude certain diseases in which blepharoplasty is not indicated (some neurological diseases, disorders of blood clotting, certain ophthalmic conditions, etc.).

Before the surgery, the following tests should be done :
• complete blood count
• small coagulogram
• allergy list (pay special attention to medication allergies)
• list of medications the patient is consuming (special attention should be paid to blood thinners such as: Aspirin, Andol, Martefarin, Warfarin, Heparin, etc.).


The course of the surgery

Eyelid correction / blepharoplasty is an outpatient procedure and the patient spends 2-3 hours in th Clinic. The preoperative preparation itself takes about 45 minutes, then the surgery takes from an 1 to 2 hours.

When the patient enters the room, the nurse disinfects operating field the eye area with iodine and Octenisept. Afterwards, the surgeon carefully performs a drawing on the eyelids to remove the optimal amount of skin and fat cushions.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and is completely painless. At the Knezovic Clinic, the operation is performed by ophthalmologists, who are very familiar with the anatomical structures around the eyes, which are reconstructed layer by layer.


After the surgery

Half an hour after the surgery, the patient goes home. It is suggested that patient applies cold compresses (first 24 hours) and antibiotic ointment (2x every 4 days). Return to daily activities and work is possible immediately after the stitches are removed, i.e. 7-8 days after the surgery. It is recommended to avoid heat at home and sleep with your head elevated to reduce the chance of swelling and hematoma. With adequate preoperative preparation, precise surgery and disciplined patient behavior after surgery, blepharoplasty produces excellent results and very satisfied patients.



Blepharoplasty – why surgery at the Knezovic Clinic?

The Knezovic Clinic is equipped with the latest technology for performing eyelid correction operations. The Ellman Surgitron device represents the latest trend in cosmetic facial surgery that achieves the best surgical precision, versatility and safety due to the simultaneous ability to cut and coagulate soft tissues.

• Aesthetic surgery with this device carries multiple benefits for patients:
• Creating a minimal scar at the incision site
• Maximum adhesion of wound edges and better healing
• Faster and less painful healing of the treated site
• Best cosmetic result
• Minimal risk of postoperative complications
• The electrodes are self-sterilized during application, minimizing the onset of infection in the operated area
• No postoperative hematoma occurs
• Faster recovery and greater patient satisfaction.


Dr. Igor Knezovic – surgeon


Dr. Knezovic has performed eyelid correction / blepharoplasty on several hundred patients. He completed his education at the Holy Spirit Clinic in Zagreb, where he perfected the technique of upper and lower eyelid correction. At Knezovic Clinic, he introduced the latest technology for this type of procedure – the Ellman Surgitron device, which represents the latest trend in cosmetic surgery.

Blepharoplasty on referral

In most hospitals in the Republic of Croatia this procedure cannot be performed on a referral. The reason is that eyelid correction / blepharoplasty is an aesthetic procedure, and such can only be done in private clinics.  The only eyelid correction procedures that are performed on the referral are when the eyelids interfere with vision. Also, it is important to note that in specialized clinics such as the Knezovic Clinic, blepharoplasty is performed with advanced devices (Ellman).



Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

In the correction of the upper eyelids, in 90% of cases, excess skin is removed with the removal of fat tissue. The incision is made above the edge of the eyelid in the natural “fold” so that the scar is completely invisible after the procedure. The shape and line of the incision depend on the excess skin and the shape of the eye. At the Knezovic Clinic, each patient’s approach is individual and the incision lines are marked for each patient according to their needs.

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids is a procedure that is less frequently perfrormed than the correction of the upper eyelids. With this procedure, the fat pads are removed. There are various surgical techniques to correct the lower eyelids. The incisions are located inside the eyelid, under the eyelashes or at the outer edge of the lower eyelid. Through the cuts, the fat is removed or moved to achieve a smooth, natural contour under the eyelid.


Blepharoplasty – Prices at Knezović Polyclinic

Before the surgery, it is advisable to come for a consultation to discuss the details of the procedure with the surgeon. You can see the prices of consultations and all aesthetic procedures as well as the ongoing promotion actions of the Knezovic Clinic at PRICES

Make an appointment for a blepharoplasty consultation


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    For all the questions fell free
    to call us 01 / 66 77 222

    Where are we?

    Poliklinika Knezović

    Green Gold Business Center, Tower V1, 8th floor

    Ulica grada Vukovara 269f

    10000 Zagreb

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