
Dry eye treatment

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Dry eye treatment

What is a Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry Eye or Dry Eye Syndrome is a chronic and usually progressive condition that manifests as a lack of tears or change in their quality and subjective symptoms associated with this. The result of these changes is insufficient moisturizing of the eye.
Dry eye syndrome can occur at any age, altough the risk is greater in people over the age of 50, especially in women, associated with hormonal changes.


Dry Eye Syndroma – Risk Factors


Although dry eye syndrome can occur at any age, the risk is still greater in people over the age of 50.

It affects women more often. The reason for this is hormonal changes, especially in the forties and later.

Lifestyle contributes greatly to the development of dry eye syndrome. One of the most common causes is excessive work for the computer and air-conditioned spaces. In fact, during the work at the computer one blinks up to 5 times less, which results in increased evaporation from the eye surface and reduced excretion from the modified sebaceous glands found next to the eyelashes. It is this lipid layer of the tear film that is responsible for the quality and stability of tear film.


Dry eye – Causes

As we have already mentioned, apart from age and gender, the conditions of modern lifestyles such as: computer screen work, artificial lights, contact lenses and air conditioning increase the chance of developing dry eye syndrome.
Generally speaking, dry eye condition is the result of the problem due to insufficient amount of tears (hyposecretion) or excessive evaporation (hyper-evaporative form).
It is well known that the vast majority of cases are caused due to the excessive tear evaporation, mainly due to the lack of the outer lipid layer of the tear film produced by Meibomian glands. Dry eye treatment becomes easier with DRY EYE PROTOCOL.

Dry eye – Symptoms

Dry eye syndrome is most often described by patients as a feeling:
• dryness
• burning
• stinging
• the feeling of sand in the eyes
• the feeling of a foreign body in the eyes


Dry eye can cause feelings of tiredness, discomfort, sensitivity to light and pain due to the irritation.



The Examination for a dry eye

Dry eye examination at the Knezovic Clinic differs greatly from the examination at ordinary eye care outpatient clinics. Since Dr Knezovic has a PhD on the subject of dry eye, the Clinic is equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment for diagnosis of this condition.
We emphasize the non-invasive Tear break up test (TBUT) where computer and special maps get “Temporospatial Analysis of Tear Film”. This means that in real time we can see where and when the micro break-up of the tear film happens. This diagnostic scan is very important for people who want to perform laser refractive surgery.
Meibomography is a test that scans and depicts sebaceous glands that are key to improvement in this condition. Without this method, the actual condition of the sebaceous gland was only a medical presumption.


How to diagnose that someone has a dry eye syndroma?

Diagnostic work-up is completely painless and can be done in only one visit to the Knezović Clinic in just 30 minutes.
• Non-invasive TBUT test
• Meibomography
• Schirmer test 1
• Lissamine green score

See all dry eye exam information ->


Are thyroid conditions associated with dry eye syndrome?

Thyroid conditions may contribute to the onset of dry eye syndrome. Sometimes this are the first symptoms of thyroid disease. The most common reason is retraction (pulling) of the eyelid and increased tear evaporation.

Is dry eye syndroma dangerous for health?

Dry eye can be dangerous to eye health because the first barrier that prevents micro-organisms from entering the eye is weakened. Eye infections are more common in people who suffer from this condition and it is necessary to adhere to medical instructions to minimize the possibility of infection.



Dry Eye Syndroma – degrees of dryness

There are more classifications of the dry eye syndroma. One of the most famous is the Oxford Classification, which classifies the condition to 6 degrees (from 0 to 5).

GRADE 0. The mildest, can be transient and caused by mild irritation or dry air. It usually resolves spontaneously and does not need any specific treatment.

GRADE 1. It lasts few days.; Therapy: it is necessary to apply artificial tears.

GRADE 2. It lasts several weeks.; Therapy: DRY EYE PROTOCOL, artificial tears.

GRADE 3 Is the beginning of chronic condition. It should be taken seriously and the treatment should be started as soon as possible. Therapy: DRY EYE PROTOCOL, artificial tears, eyelid margin hygiene with special preparations, eyelid massage, anti-inflammatory eye drops.

GRADE 4 Represents a developed chronic condition. Therapy is like the one for stage 3, only it takes longer and the results of the therapy are not as good.

GRADE 5. Should be avoided if possible. Fortunately, today is rarely seen in practice and may be the result of certain autoimmune diseases.


Methods of dry eye treatment

1. Is there a natural cure for dry eyes?

A natural remedy for dry eyes would be blinking. With each blink the tear film spreads across the eye surface and eyelid muscle contraction contributes to a better and more abundant lipid layer secretion that is necessary for the stability and duration of the protective effect that the tear film has for the eye.

2. What kind of eye drops should I use?

• Best dry eye drops
Today there are lot of manufacturers of dry eye eyedrops or artificial tears. Which of these are optimal for you will be recommended by your ophthalmologist after the examination.
• Dry eye eyedrops without preservatives
One of the most important features of the eyedrops is that they are preservative-free. Preservatives in the long run may cause irritation and redness of the eyes, so be sure to try to avoid them.

suho oko


Dry Eye Protocol for Dry Eye Syndrome treatment

Dry eye syndrome treatment with advanced DRY EYE protocol at Knezovic Clinic.

Treatment of Dry Eye syndrome at Knezović Polyclinic

Before the treatment

Before each treatment, special diagnostic protocol is performed to follow the condition and to secure best possible outcome of the treatment. This protocol consists of a series of imaging and tests and is completely comfortable and painless for the patient.

It lasts about 20 minutes. Afterwards, the patient is comfortably placed and a protective goggles are used to protect the eyes. A special disposable gel is applied to the eyelids.

The procedure is short; it takes only 2 minutes. Nothing hurts during the procedure. Immediately after the treatment, patients may sometimes feel a slight warmth that is described as comfortable.

The procedure involves treating parts of the eye with IPL (Intense Pulse Light) light rays that penetrate exactly into the area of the Meibomian glands and stimulates their work.
When the treatment is completed, the doctor assesses if there is a need for additional cleaning of the gland`s ducts (gentle massage).

How many treatments are needed?

DRY EYE Protocol Treatment Process – Includes three treatments. The second treatment is performed 15 days after the first and the third 30 days after the second one. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat only one treatment one year after the initial treatment.

Patient may already feel improvement after the first treatment
The effect of this protocol is improved tear film in 80% of treated patients.
The procedure is completely painless and without side effects.

The effect of the treatment

Treatment results depend on the correct selection of patients. Not all of the patients are good candidates for this type of treatment. If the patient suffers from a hyposecretional form of dry eye syndrome (smaller number of people) then the placement of punctal occluders (temporary clogging of the drainage tear ducts) is better therapy. However, most patients have a hyperevaporative dry eye (lower tear quality) in which the DRY EYE PROTOCOL produces excellent results.

The effects of treatment are cumulative and last:

1 week after the first treatment
2 to 3 weeks after the second treatment
6 months to 2 years after the third or fourth treatment


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    to call us 01 / 66 77 222

    Where are we?

    Poliklinika Knezović

    Green Gold Business Center, Tower V1, 8th floor

    Ulica grada Vukovara 269f

    10000 Zagreb

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