Ptosis is a lowering of the upper eyelid which partially or completely covers pupil. Ptosis, in addition to being an aesthetic problem, can cause vision impairment in children and obscure the visual axis, which increases the risk of visual impairment, while inhibiting daily activities in adults.
Risk factors
Risk factors for the development of ptosis are genetic factors, aging, diabetes mellitus, myasthenia gravis and brain tumors that can affect nerve supply and the muscular response itself.
Although the exact incidence of ptosis in the world is not known, it occurs equally in people of different races and equally in both sexes.
According to the onset of ptosis can be:
• intrinsic
• acquired
According to the cause it can be:
Aponeurotic ptosis
It is most often involuntive as a result of the aging process. The upper eyelid is lowered on both sides and asymmetrically with worsening ptosis throughout the day. The upper eyelid levator muscle function is usually normal.
Myogenic ptosis
It is caused by a disorder of the upper eyelid levator muscle itself or by a disorder at the neuromuscular junction. It is most often the first sign of myasthenia gravis disease. The eyelids are lowered on both sides and asymmetrically, worsening during the day and recovering after rest.
Neurogenic ptosis
Most often it is unilateral, due to impaired brain nerve function responsible for eyelid movement or sympathetic nerves.
Mechanical ptosis
It is caused by impaired motility of the upper eyelid with orderly nerve and muscle function.
• Traumatic ptosis is a consequence of the upper eyelid injury.
The treatment of ptosis is surgical and involves several surgical techniques on the eyelid muscle. In children it is advisable to remove the ptosis as soon as possible to prevent the impaired development of the eye.
Before surgery
A thorough examination should be performed preoperatively to exclude certain diseases for which surgery is not indicated.
Before the surgery, the following should be done / prepared:
• complete blood count
• small coagulogram
• allergy list (pay special attention to medication allergies)
• list of medications the patient is consuming (special attention should be paid to blood thinners such as: Aspirin, Andol, Martefarin, Warfarin, Heparin, etc.).
During the surgery
The surgery is performed under local anesthesia in adults. It lasts from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on whether surgery involves both eyelids. The surgeon makes an incision in the anterior ocular fold of the eyelid. Stitches are inserted into the muscle to strengthen its attachment to the eyelid and adjust the height of the eyelid.
After the surgery
After the ptosis surgery, it is necessary to limit certain activities for two weeks. It is also recommended to avoid eye rubbing or do anything that may cause eye irritation. The eyelid may be slightly swollen after the surgery and the eye may not be able to close completely within the first few of days.
Ptosis surgery – why choose Knezovic Clinic?
Igor Knezovic – Surgeon

Dr. Igor Knezovic performed ptosis surgery on several hundred patients. He completed his education at the Holy Spirit Clinical Hospital in Zagreb, KBC Rebro and in India where he perfected his eyelid correction technique.
Ptosis surgery pricing?
Before surgery, it is advisable to come for a consultation to discuss the details of the procedure with the surgeon. You can see the prices of consultations and all aesthetic procedures as well as the ongoing promotive actions of the Knezovic Clinic at PRICES
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