
Dermal Fillers

dermalni fileri


What are dermal fillers?

Do you want to refresh your face to look prettier, younger, more relaxed and natural? You do not have the time or money for expensive cosmetic treatments or the thought of surgery does not make you feel good? If this the case, dermal fillers are definitely the best solution for you.

Their purpose is primarily to emphasize or compensate for the volume, to correct the contour defects of individual regions of the face, and to highlight some fine details. They work by adding volume to the tissues, shaping the contours of the face, correcting creases, reducing scars, or enlarging the lips to the desired degree. Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers are the only fillers recommended by cosmetic surgery experts worldwide.

The reason for this is that hyaluronic fillers are not permanent, have no lasting effects and result in the most natural result. If the patient chooses to no longer want the filer, or does not like the effect of it anymore – there is a special enzyme that can dissolve the filler.

We can advise you individually on the use and choice of fillers, depending on the type and condition of your skin and subcutaneous tissue and according to your preferences.


What are dermal fillers used for?

Hyaluronic dermal fillers have become the gold standard in recent years when it comes to lip augmentation, bags under eyes, filling nasolabial and other facial wrinkles.
As we age, the amount of hyaluronic acid in some parts of the face decreases, leading to skin changes and wrinkle formation. In this way, the skin loses its glow, tightness and is dehydrated.
Hyaluronic acid is an integral part of every human body. Its main task is to repair elasticity, support body collagen and hydrate the skin.


What is the most common use of dermal fillers today?

Dermal fillers are recommended for:
• correction of small surface wrinkles such as wrinkles at the edges of lips, wrinkles from laughing
• frown wrinkles
• correction of deeper wrinkles such as nasolabial wrinkles
• increasing volume or emphasizing lip edges
• non-surgical removal of scars
• restoration of skin moisture and fullness.

The most sought after dermal filler treatments at the Knezovic Clinic are the lip augmentation and filling of the nasolabial wrinkles.


Are dermal fillers safe?

The application of dermal fillers is one of the safest procedures in medicine. Hyaluronic acid is a natural and normal ingredient in our skin and if dermal fillers of good quality are used, patients should not worry. Consideration should also be given to the conditions in which this method is performed, i.e. fillers should be applied in operating theatre under strictly sterile and controlled conditions.

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

Hyaluronic acid is the basic building material of the skin, and is also found in connective tissue of other localizations (eye aqueous, joints, brain tissue). Chemically, it is a glycosaminoglycan, composed of protein chains and complex sugars. It binds water in tissues and stimulates the development of new collagen, which reduces wrinkles and increases skin tone and volume. Therefore, the aging process slows down. Deficiency of hyaluronic acid in the skin causes a decrease in skin tone and elasticity, which leads to enhanced wrinkle formation, reduced skin volume and accelerated aging process. Dermal fillers act as a sponge. They draw on water, maintain skin elasticity and act on proper skin hydration.


Does the dermal filler application hurt?

Wrinkle filling is a treatment that does not last long. It depends on the location and depth of wrinkles you want to treat. A topical cream anesthetic is applied to the face, which contains several anesthetics to make the procedure as painless as possible. The skin anesthetic should be applied for 15 minutes to allow the cream to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin. After proper preparation, the procedure is not very painful and uncomfortable for the patient.

How long does the dermal filler effect last?

The duration of the results depends on the choice of skin filler and the nature of the treated skin area, tissue stress at the site, injection depth as well as injection technique. For very loose skin, it is advisable to inject the filler in two or more separate times.

After the first procedure, the need for additional filler injections may be indicated to achieve the desired degree of correction.

Periodical filler application helps to maintain the desired degree of correction. Subsequent treatment may be useful before complete aesthetic correction is achieved.

The effect of the dermal filler lasts on average 6-12 months. When the patient first comes in for treatment, the filler lasts slightly shorter, but with each further application the durability is extended.


How often can I use a dermal filler?

Injected preparations decompose over time, so it is advisable that they be renewed every 6 months to one year.

Are there any side effects when using a dermal filler?

Complications of this treatment are rare, appearing in the form of mild redness and swelling at the injection site and as a mild itching that disappears within a few days after treatment.
It is  important to note that the skin that will undergo this treatment must be healthy and for several days before and after the procedure must not be exposed to sun and cold (tanning, extreme cold, etc.).


What dermal fillers do we use?

At the Knezovic Clinic, 3 world-renowned dermal fillers are used.

1. RESTYLANE® is a clear, transparent, viscous gel of a stabilized form of hyaluronic acid found naturally in our skin and subcutaneous tissue. RESTYLANE® works by adding volume to the tissue, shaping the contours of the face, correcting wrinkles or enlarging the lips to the desired degree of correction.

2. JUVEDERM is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler, similar in composition to Restylan, and different in duration. Due to its slightly longer effect it is used for lip augmentation, removal of wrinkles and scars.

3. HYALURONICA – a range of high quality non-animal hyaluronic acid based fillers. The goal is to maintain hydration of the skin, as well as to maintain smooth and soft skin, reduce visible wrinkles and restore skin. The skin is smoothened, firmed and looks younger for and retains its radiance and natural vitality.


Lips augmentation with hyaluronum at the Knezovic Clinic

dermalni fileri
Increasing lip volume is one of the most common interventions of this type. The effect is instant and gives a high degree of satisfaction to our clients.

Before the procedure – consultation

Upon arrival at our clinic, we will provide you with a “quiet corner” where you will agree with your doctor about the type of filler and the injection method according to your individual needs. Then we will direct you to the room where you will spend the next 15 minutes until anesthetic cream numbs your lips. After that we will proceed with the procedure which will take 10-15 minutes.


Procedure and augmentation

After anesthetizing lips with the cream and disinfection of the area, the injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin is initiated with a small needle used for intracutaneous and subcutaneous injection. The doctor chooses an injection technique depending on the various factors. A change is visible immediately after the injection and you can express certain  suggestion. The entire procedure takes about 10 minutes, and the effect is visible momentarily. You will feel satisfied and younger.

dermalni fileri

After the procedure

Immediately after the procedure, the area of ​​application of the dermal filler is covered with antibiotic cream to prevent infection. It is not recommended to put makeup (lipstick, lipstick …) on your lips 2-3 days after the procedure. Sun exposure, tanning and touching the area should be avoided for at least 6 hours after the procedure.

1-3 days after – redness, swelling or itching may occur in some patients immediately after treatment. This is a completely natural reaction that can last from a few hours to several days. Small bruises (hematomas) can rarely occur at the injection site and also withdraw over several days.

One week to month after – the result is permanent. Proper hydration is advised. Sometimes it is necessary to massage your lips occasionally if smaller lumps are felt.

Lips augmentation price – see the current clinic pricelist
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    Poliklinika Knezović

    Green Gold Business Center, Tower V1, 8th floor

    Ulica grada Vukovara 269f

    10000 Zagreb

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