Botox injections
Why do wrinkles occur?
Wrinkles occur as a result of the aging process and the influence of external factors. Their development cannot be completely prevented, but can be significantly slowed down and reduced.
When you laugh, when you are angry or wonder you use the muscles on your face. Over time, these contractions lead to the formation of permanent furrows and deep wrinkles on the face, especially on the forehead, between the eyebrows, the outside of the eyes and around the mouth. These changes can make you look tired and older.
Trend of youthful appearance
At the same time, modern world trends impose beauty, youth and care for appearance as a precondition for success in professional and private life. How many times have you looked in the mirror and thought if there was an elixir of youth that would wipe out the resulting wrinkles and make your appearance younger, more fresh and natural at the same time?
What is Botox?
One ampoule of Botox (Botulinum toxin type A) is a natural protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.
Botox has been used in medicine for the treatment of uncontrolled eyelid spasm (blepharospasm) for the last decade, and has been used in non-surgical aesthetic procedures for the last few years.
Botox injections remove wrinkles from the face and neck without surgery, and patients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment.
How is Botox used?
Botox is used by injecting it in small doses into the target muscle that is responsible for the wrinkle formation. Thereafter, it blocks the nerves of these muscles causing the wrinkles to diminish or disappear completely.
How Does Botox Work?
The mechanism of action of Botox is manifested by blocking the work of certain muscles involved in facial mimics. The application process takes about 10-15 minutes, depending on how many zones or wrinkles you want to treat, and the application itself is almost painless.
The effect of Botox is noticed after 2-5 days, the maximum effect is achieved after 7-10 days and is localized only at the places where it was applied. After the Botox application, the face looks younger, while maintaining the natural appearance.
Which regions are suitable for Botox use?
Botox is most commonly used to remove:
• Horizontal forehead wrinkles
• Vertical forehead wrinkles (so-called frown wrinkles)
• Tiny wrinkles just outside of the eyes (so called laughing wrinkles)
• Tiny wrinkles around the mouth
• Removing dynamic neck wrinkles
Who is a good candidate for Botox?
Botox is recommended for all people who want to alleviate wrinkles on the face and refresh their appearance, which contributes to increasing self-confidence, self-satisfaction and success in private and professional life.
It can be applied when the first signs of aging appear, i.e. after 30. It is then applied in smaller doses (the so-called Baby Botox), which prevents the appearance of new wrinkles while also impedes the deepening of existing wrinkles.
What does Botox Treatment look like?
Before treatment
Botox treatment at the Knezović Polyclinic only takes about fifteen minutes. After consulting with the doctor about the procedure, the sites where he wants to apply Botox, possible complications and allergies if any, the nurse cleans the skin with disinfectant (it is essential to remove all makeup) and applies the anesthetic cream to a planned area.
The course of treatment
After 5-10 minutes, the patient goes to the operating theatre, where the doctor disinfects the area one more time under sterile conditions. Disinfection is followed by Botox administration. The patient feels small bites (like a mosquito bite). After Botox administration, antibiotic ointment is applied at the injection site to reduce even the smallest possibility of infection.
After the treatment (results, duration of the results)
After the treatment, the patients are advised to initiate facial expressions (laughing, frowning …) in order to incorporate Botox into the target muscle group and to start acting as soon as possible. Sleep is not recommended for 4 hours postoperatively.
In middle-aged people, the effect of rejuvenation is achieved. The effect lasts for about 4 – 8 months and can be repeated indefinitely at certain intervals (2-3 times a year). If the patient has excessive skin present with pronounced wrinkles, a better rejuvenation effect is achieved by a combination with aesthetic the eyelid correction surgery (blepharoplasty).
Is Botox Treatment Painful?
The application of Botox is almost painless because the treated area is first covered with anesthetic cream, and the application is quick and easy. The needles are of the smallest possible diameter and some patients do not almost feel anything during the procedure.
Side effects or complications caused by Botox?
After Botox injections, mild pain, swelling, and redness may occur at the site of administration, which may last from a few hours to several days.
How often can I use Botox?
The effect of Botox lasts about 4-8 months and can be repeated indefinitely at specified intervals (2-3 times a year).
Is Botox Safe for the eyes?
Botox is safe for the eyes if used by experts. The best expert in keeping your eye safe is an ophthalmologist. He is familiar with the anatomy of the eye and is the safest person to apply Botox. In the case of improper botox application, complications such as ptosis of the eyelid (lowered eyelids) can theoretically occur.
When Botox should not be administered?
Contraindications to the administration of Botox injections are very rare and include the following conditions: pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to one of the ingredients, generalized disorders of muscular activity (e.g. Myasthenia gravis), administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics, infection at the injection site or around the injection site, blood conditions either due to impaired coagulation or taking anticoagulant therapy.
When can I get back to my daily activities?
The patient can return to daily activities immediately after treatment.
What is the difference between Baby Botox and Botox?
Baby botox is a treatment in which smaller doses of botox are administered. Some experts believe that if you start with Baby Botox in your late 20s, that the signs of aging in the coming years slow down and that the person remains “eternally young”.
What is the Botox price?
At the Knezovic Clinic, prices are listed on the PRICE LIST as well as all the promotive actions in the current month.
What Botox Do We Use?
Please note that at the Knezovic Clinic we apply the highest quality Botox manufactured by Allergan, which is highly purified and does not cause allergic reactions.
Dr. Anđelko Parać

Dr. Parac is one of the leading experts in the application of botox at the Knezović Clinic. He has been educated at numerous workshops in Croatia and abroad and gained extensive experience in practice.
Before the treatment, you need to be consulted and briefly explain exactly what you want. After that, the doctor will give you an expert opinion and will carry out your wishes in the best possible way.
The common goal is to achieve a natural and cheerful look without anyone in your area noticing that you have been treated.
Make an appointment!